martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Think or Run?

Entertaining a notion, like entertaining a baby cousin or entertaining a pack of hyenas, is a dangerous thing to refuse to do. If you refuse to entertain a baby cousin, the baby cousin may get bored and entertain itself by wandering off and falling down a well. If you refuse to entertain a pack of hyenas, they may become restless and entertain themselves by devouring you.

But if you refuse to entertain a notion - which is just a fancy way of saying that you refuse to think about a certain idea - you have to be much braver than someone who is merely facing some blood-thirsty animals, or some parents who are upset to find their little darling at the bottom of a well, because nobody knows what an idea will do when it goes off to entertain itself.

Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid 

~ ~ ~

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012


de Ruben Darío

Silencio de la noche, doloroso silencio nocturno...
¿Por qué el alma tiembla de tal manera?
Oigo el zumbido de mi sangre,
dentro de mi cráneo pasa una suave tormenta.
No poder dormir, y, sin embargo, soñar.
 Ser la auto-pieza de disección espiritual,
¡el auto-Hamlet!
Diluir mi tristeza en un vino de noche
en el maravilloso cristal de las tinieblas...
Y me digo: ¿a qué hora vendrá el alba?
Se ha cerrado una puerta...
Ha pasado un transeúnte...
Ha dado el reloj trece horas...
¡Si será Ella!...
